Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13th in connection with a tragic stampede that occurred during a special screening of his highly anticipated film, “Pushpa 2: The Rule.”
The incident took place at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad on Dec 4th. A massive crowd had gathered outside the theater, eager to catch a glimpse of the actor. The situation escalated rapidly, leading to a stampede that resulted in the unfortunate death of a 35-year-old woman, Revathi, and critically injuring his son.
The actor got interim bail on the same day and was released on the next day. However, what followed put the Telugu industry at risk of attracting wrath from the Telangana government.
While coming out of jail, Allu Arjun wore a “Pushpa is wild fire” shirt which was a sign of things to come. In the following days, the actor allowed majority of media to setup a 24*7 live of condolence visits from the majority of the film industry. This was kind of strength show from the actor who specifically wore an “Icon Star” shirt during the proceedings.
His fans and opposition took advantage and bashed the Government for arresting the Pushpa star. Revanth Reddy responded to a question in the Assembly and bashed Allu Arjun along with the industry for putting on a media show while not showing any concern for the bereaved family.
Allu Arjun then initiated a press meet to make matters worse and did everything to praise himself and not apologize for his actions, gaining negative responses from the people in general.
With government claiming there won’t be any hikes or benefit shows, industry immediately setup a meeting with Telangana CM to resolve this escalation. However, it didn’t result in anything fruitful. Currently issue is still in court and government might pursue the case to its very end.
Seeing the full sequence of events, it would have been better for Allu Arjun and the industry if the post release visits(non-stop media coverage) and press meet were avoided. It’s OK to showoff at times, but when getting involved in political scenarios it’s better to stay away.
Anyways, let’s hope justice prevails.